
Does oral vancomycin use necessitate therapeutic drug monitoring?

Nevio Cimolai1,2

Received: 12 September 2019 / Accepted: 2 November 2019
© Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2019

Purpose Oral vancomycin use has generally increased as a consequence of the need to treat and/or prevent Clostridium (Clostridiodes) difficile -associated disease (CDAD). This review examines the cumulative scientific evidence that guides therapeutic monitoring of oral vancomycin therapy.
Methods The existing publications were reviewed from the time of the drug’s inception to July 2019. This review utilized access as available in PubMed, EMBASE, CINAHL Plus, and the Cochrane Library.
Results Case reports and small patient series have documented anecdotal-associated elevations in serum levels. Correlation of absorbed vancomycin with subsequent toxicity is difficult to determine, but serum levels approaching those obtained after parenteral administration have raised concern. Prolonged usage and total dosing over 500 mg/day among adult age ranges have been associated with accumulation. In addition, risk factors for vancomycin accumulation systemically after oral dosing include renal compromise, combined oral and other enteral therapy, severe CDAD, other intercurrent bowel inflammation, polypharmacy, and increased patient complexity/morbidity.
Conclusion Until systemic toxicity from oral vancomycin absorption is better understood, individual considerations should be made for therapeutic serum monitoring during oral vancomycin treatment. Therapeutic drug monitoring is suggested for several high-risk situations in which high blood levels may be anticipated.

Keywords Vancomycin · Serum level · Pharmacology · Therapeutics · Toxicity

Continuing use of oral vancomycin

Oral vancomycin administration has been popularized predominantly for the treatment and prevention of active Clostridium (Clostridiodes) difficile infections [1–3]. Whereas metronidazole has often been cited in the past as the preferred initial treatment agent, several have proposed that vancomycin is superior and should supersede metroni- dazole for primary treatment especially of mild to moderate disease [3–6]. Although new antibiotic treatments are avail- able, oral vancomycin nevertheless continues to be indicated especially for either treatment of acute disease or relapses after prior therapy in many contexts [3–5]. In regard to the
treatment of relapsed C. difficile-associated disease (CDAD), prolonged tapering doses have been especially successful [4, 7]. Some have posed that oral vancomycin should be consid- ered as the routine initial therapy in relapsing illnesses. In the interim, several novel antibiotic enteral therapies have challenged the place of both metronidazole and vancomycin in CDAD [4, 8]. Long-term effects on drug resistance and the balance of cost considerations are issues that remain to be resolved.
Oral vancomycin has also been used successfully in other niche indications such as primary sclerosing cholangitis associated with inflammatory bowel disease, prevention of necrotizing enterocolitis of premature newborns, inflam- matory bowel disease otherwise, selective digestive tract decontamination, and long-term prevention of CDAD (both


[email protected]
primary and secondary prevention) [9–18]. Regardless of which of these alternative therapies may attract regular and

1Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada
2Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Children’s and Women’s Health Centre of British Columbia, 4480 Oak Street, Vancouver, BC V6H3V4, Canada
bonafide use, the total amount of oral vancomycin used for medical indications will continue to be considerable in the near future as bacteriological and clinical efficacy prevail.


The genesis of oral vancomycin therapy

As an antibiotic, vancomycin came of age in the early 1950s [19, 20]. It was soon apparent that this antimi- crobial was predominantly active against Gram-positive bacteria, commonly in bactericidal fashion [21]. Of note, this antibiotic was deemed poorly absorbable after oral administration and hence became mainly a parenterally administered agent [21]. As high bowel concentrations were acknowledged after oral dosing, the genesis of oral use became apparent [21].
Oral use for “micrococcal [Staphylococcus aureus]
enteritis” was cited in 1956 [21]. Further such use was again proposed in 1965 [22]. The mainstay of oral vanco- mycin use would be heralded by citations of its efficacy for C. difficile -associated disease in the late 1970s [23–26]. As growing use of vancomycin emerged, so too did con- cerns for drug toxicity, albeit almost exclusively for paren- teral uses [1]. Complicating the understanding of toxicity, however, was the knowledge that early forms of the drug available for clinical use were rather crude in comparison to today’s standards. Concerns for vancomycin-associated ototoxicity and nephrotoxicity nevertheless continued to emerge even though proof of the same in animal models was tenuous at best [27]. Parallel to the latter, interests in therapeutic drug monitoring emerged and commercial automated serum drug testing modules became available [27].

Monitoring kinetics of oral vancomycin therapy

A proper understanding of the pharmacokinetics and asso- ciated toxicity would evidently require the availability of a dependable drug assay. As was common in that era, initial measurements of vancomycin concentrations in body flu- ids relied on bioassays, e.g., agar well diffusion with either Bacillus subtilis or Streptococcus pyogenes as indicator bacteria [21, 26–31]. Lower detection limits were in the range of 0.3–1 mg/L. Whereas most such assays were then being applied mainly to serum levels, use for other sam- ples such as stool, urine, and other body fluids was also accepted [21, 32]. In this regard, however, the biological assays were not assessed for the possible effects of other concomitant drug therapy or body substances on the vari- ability of such levels.
Several automated and more sophisticated vancomy- cin assays became available whether for clinical use or research [33–36]. An extension of detection into more lower limits was then able to determine amounts of

absorbable drug that were deemed ‘not detectable’ by the initial biological assays. Newer versions of vancomycin determination were mainly applied and validated for serum levels. Regardless of which assay, enteric (stool) levels of vancomycin after oral administration were consistently very high regardless of any validation for determining such quantifications [21, 29, 30, 37–39]. In the discussion of vancomycin assays generally, it must be reserved that various technologies could be fallible under certain con- ditions [34]. Immunological assays have the potential to be confounded by other structurally similar antimicrobial agents [40].
The timing for any such assay has been historically vari- able and justifiably has commanded debate [41]. It is not surprising that the implementation of any recommendation could be widely variable.

An evolution of enteral vancomycin formulations

Outside of the issue of vancomycin purity, formulations for enteric administration have evolved commensurate to the needs. Oral liquid formulations were devised by the dilution of parenteral solutions [22, 28]. Capsule units of vancomycin emerged and are commonly used today [29]. Modulation of oral absorption has been experimentally assessed [42, 43]. In circumstances where oral or upper intestinal admin- istration cannot be given, or in circumstances anecdotally where it may be clinically desirable to achieve high intraco- lonic drug concentrations on short notice, colonic enemas or similar infusions otherwise have been utilized for severe CDAD [44–47]. Sufficient data on serum drug levels after purely colonic usages are not available, and determinations of serum levels after oral dosing must be weighed with hesi- tation if colonic vancomycin was being co-administered.

Toxicity and vancomycin use

Allergic/mast cell activation

Like most other pharmacological agents, vancomycin has been found to induce a peripheral rash or anaphylaxis [48–51]. The mechanism of induction of these reactions is unknown, and in particular, it is not evident that these reac- tions are related to drug absorption in this context.
The occurrence of ‘red man syndrome’ has also been linked to oral vancomycin use in several citations [52–56]. This erythematous skin reaction was mainly associated with rapid parenteral infusions of vancomycin and is generally thought to be activated via histamine and mast cells. For two

patients who suffered this affliction after oral vancomycin, serum drug levels varied from 3.3 to 28.3 mg/L [52, 53].

Other systemic reactions

The association of ototoxicity and nephrotoxicity with par- enteral vancomycin has long been cited [1]. One report of presumed oral vancomycin-associated ototoxicity resolved after discontinuation of the drug [57]. Detectable serum vancomycin was found in the latter, although the level was not high (2 mg/L). Nephrotoxicity linked to vancomycin has been supported by histopathological findings [58]. Another report of vancomycin-associated nephrotoxicity was compli- cated by co-administration of other potentially nephrotoxic agents [59].
An anephric child suffered from encephalopathy which promptly resolved after discontinuation of oral vancomy- cin [60]. Elevated serum (34 mg/L) and cerebrospinal fluid (4.2 mg/L) levels for vancomycin were found.
Cadle et al. detail the clinical complication of elevated liver enzymes having occurred in a patient with repetitive oral vancomycin use [61].
Toxicity from parenteral vancomycin continues to be the focus of investigation. The latter is prompted in part from the perceived need to achieve continuous drug levels that are above the threshold of bacterial susceptibility. That is, in given circumstances, there is the working belief that both peak and trough levels of vancomycin after parenteral dosing should be in the therapeutic range. The upper end of these levels has then been the focus for determining possibly asso- ciated toxicity. Conclusive evidence of vancomycin toxicity has at times been challenged. This controversy had thereafter provided uncertainty as to whether therapeutic monitoring would be of any value [41, 62–64]. Ototoxicity could not consistently be reproduced in animal models [27]. Reports of ototoxicity in humans continued and were alleged to occur with high serum vancomycin levels [27]. Experimental and clinical confirmation of nephrotoxicity was also a source of debate [27, 41]. Complicating the uncertainty of these associated toxicities was the confounding effects of clinical status, co-morbidities, and associated polypharmacy. More systematic albeit early studies linked nephrotoxicity to high trough serum levels [65, 66]. As concluded then by several learned societies, high trough levels of vancomycin were associated with toxicity overall, but further supportive evi- dence was desirable [27].
Many more comprehensive analyses, and some clinical experience and general review, continued to evaluate the potential for vancomycin to cause nephrotoxicity [67–74]. Among several risk factors, trough levels of vancomycin
> 15 to 20 mg/L are particularly associated with an increased frequency of nephrotoxicity. Prolonged therapy has also been associated with renal compromise [69, 70]. Although

such studies do not definitively establish cause-and-effect, the accumulation of such data makes the association seem impressive and plausible until otherwise refuted. It is these data which then must be extrapolated into concerns for con- tinued oral vancomycin usage.

Analyzing oral vancomycin in the context of serum levels and toxicity

The clinical experience with oral vancomycin and associated serum levels has been published in several formats, but the majority of information in this regard relies on case histories or small patient series. It is only in recent times that the issue has been approached more systematically [44].
Table 1 outlines such experience in the medical sciences of pediatrics. There is considerable variation in the serum levels detected after oral vancomycin use. Case studies are inherently biased to be published when complex disease and high serum levels make the reporting of greater interest. It may have been logical to believe that serum levels should be higher especially in the newborn where gut integrity could be suspect. The latter was not observed in one series [75]. Renal compromise has been raised as a potential co-factor in some reports [60, 73, 76]. The risk factors study of Pettit et al. is a significant advance in the progression of this sci- ence, but with regard to pediatric experience, only 6 of the 85 patients included in the analysis were of such a young age [44]. Evidently, the pediatric subset would not have yielded sufficient data alone to draw any conclusions in such a study process.
Table 2 details the published experience with oral and enteral vancomycin and serum levels among adults. The lat- ter includes normal controls and ill patients. Several stud- ies have examined serum levels after oral administration to volunteer adults [21, 28, 29]. Detectable levels were very low, albeit most have undetectable levels with the sampling methods used at the time. These volunteers were asymp- tomatic. The validation of ‘undetectable’ must be weighed against the vancomycin assays that were available. When ultra-sensitive assays are used, much lower thresholds of vancomycin are determinable in serum [35]. Regardless of serum levels, fecal levels are extra-ordinarily high given the minimal absorption for most patients [21, 29, 30, 37–39]. Systemic bioavailability calculations are at best crude esti- mates and susceptible to considerable patient-to-patient variability [1, 33, 43, 91, 92]. The latter reports cite a wide margin of bioavailability (2–54%) for a small group of het- erogeneous patients. It is of interest to pose these numbers next to the 0.5–1.3% bioavailability found in animal experi- ments [34, 93]. Colonic administration has been used under unique clinical circumstances [44–47, 81]. A case report did not find detectable serum vancomycin [31]. A small

patient series found levels ranging from < 0.6 to 16 mg/L [81]. Apart from other bowel pathologies, it is unclear how the intensity of CDAD may in itself affect bowel disintegrity and vancomycin absorption [90]. There is some evidence supporting a simple dose–response relationship for circulat- ing vancomycin levels [33, 82, 87, 89]. Many of the anecdo- tal citations of increased blood levels have occurred among patients with renal compromise. Some of the latter required supportive dialysis, but it is unclear whether co-existing dialysis methods were able to mitigate serum levels. There are no data for serum monitoring during prolonged tapering vancomycin therapies.
Pettit et al. studied risk factors for systemic vancomy- cin absorption among symptomatic patients, predominantly older children and adults [44]. Risk factors for a detectable serum vancomycin level included higher daily dosing, severe CDAD, more complex morbidity of illness, and prolonged administration. When stratified for levels > 2.5 mg/L, risk factors included definition of a gastrointestinal pathology, more complex morbidity of illness, use of vancomycin enemas, and renal compromise. Although less detailed in the analysis published, Rao and colleagues indicate that the severity of CDAD and renal compromise did not correlate with serum levels in the context where lower dose vanco- mycin (125 mg q6h) was given [90]. Related study was also published by Donskey et al. albeit apparently only in abstract format [94]. In their use of low-dose vancomycin (125 mg qid) for a clinical trial arm, pre- or post-dose levels were in the range of 0.05–1.7 mg/L for 25% of patients. Within this low range, however, those with renal compromise had significantly higher levels.

Balancing recommendations

Regardless of the cumulative data gathered herein, it is safe to assume that any recommendations about serum vanco- mycin monitoring in the context of oral dosing are made with the realization of meager quality data. This domain is in need of more pointed research and hypothesis testing.
The mere fact that vancomycin is detectable in a given patient after oral use does not necessarily imply that toxic- ity should be anticipated or deflected. As Sauter et al. have shown, the detection of serum vancomycin is only as good as the sensitivity and reproducibility of the assay [34]. The risk factor assessment from Pettit et al. provides more rationale for assessing concerning circumstances, but the presence of vancomycin all-or-none or ≥ 2.5 mg/L were chosen as strata for analyses [43]. What serum vancomycin level, however, signifies risk or need for reduction or cessation? If higher thresholds were used in their study for drug presence in serum (e.g., trough or random, e.g., > 10 mg/L), would the study have had sufficient power to determine risk factors?

Whereas there is some consensus emerging as to what trough levels may be associated with toxicity after intra- venous vancomycin administration, one can only extrapo- late from the latter to oral dosing. Are prolonged levels from serum exposure responsible for toxicity? Are any individual levels dependably determinative of risk? Is the risk cumulative? Are patient co-factors for nephrotoxic- ity important and which are they? Does toxin gene load or toxin positivity in stool predict the severity of disease [95]? Pettit et al. used reconstituted parenteral vancomy- cin for oral use [43]. Is the rapidity of absorption enter- ally (oral or colonic dosing) relevant? In this context, how do we balance patient safety with efficacious treatment, appropriate resource utilization, and mitigation of anti- microbial resistance? All of the aforementioned must be tempered with the practical variations in the acquisition of serum samples relative to clinical variables [38].
Low dose (125 mg qid or total 500 mg/day among adults; ≤ 10 mg/kg/day for pediatric ages) or abbreviated oral vancomycin treatments are less likely to be associ- ated with elevated serum levels. In the face of mild to moderate CDAD, such a dose over 1–2 weeks of treat- ment is unlikely to accumulate vancomycin consider- ably. Likewise, a prolonged tapering dose in a relatively uncomplicated situation attracts small risk. Use outside of the latter should then raise interest in serum monitor- ing. Prolonged therapy, doses equal to or greater than 1 g/
day (oral or colonic), pre-existing or evolving renal com- promise, severe CDAD, other co-existing bowel patholo- gies which are likely to increase inflammation, increasing complexity of underlying co-morbidities, past episodes of drug-induced nephrotoxicity or ototoxicity, and com- plex polypharmacy which may include otherwise nephro- toxic agents should raise consideration for monitoring. Allergic reactions or red man syndrome may follow rapid infusions, but it is not apparent that these arise as a con- sequence of cumulative body presence. Whether one or several of these inherent concerns, deference should be given to prevention. If the aim of oral treatment is only to cure CDAD, low dose oral vancomycin (125 mg qid) is likely to suffice given the extra-ordinary stool levels of the drug. Until further understood, the maintenance of serum levels ≤ 10 mg/L at any time appears justified. Alongside the latter, serum levels on or above that marker should prompt an accompanying monitor of renal func- tion. Table 3 details provisional recommendations. In the situation where parenteral vancomycin is being co-admin- istered, recommendations for intravenous dosing and drug monitoring should be applicable. Precautions in the use of oral vancomycin for the pediatric age group must draw on the greater experience from adults. The frequency of monitoring should be guided by levels already determined and by the changing pattern of clinical care. The relevance

Table 3 Factors associated with the greater or lesser indication for serum drug monitoring after oral vancomycin use

Factors promoting the recommendation to monitor
Renal compromise (greater concern for increasing renal dysfunction) Past renal toxicity to drugs if known
Past ototoxicity to drugs if known
Concomitant dual enteral therapy (i.e., oral and colonic) Doses > 500 mg/day total in adults (oral and/or colonic)
Aggressive CDAD with anticipated major bowel compromise (e.g., toxic megacolon) Intercurrent inflammatory bowel dysfunction of non-CDAD causation (with any form of CDAD) Polypharmacy with other potential nephrotoxins
Increasing patient complexity with multiple co-morbidities (e.g., critical care patients) Prolonged maintenance therapy
Factors against the recommendation to monitor
Allergic reactions
Red man syndrome after initial dosing Dose ≤ 500 mg/day total in adults Tapering but prolonged dose schedules
Uncomplicated patients (e.g., mild to moderate CDAD) with total dosing ≤ 10–14 days

of serum levels must be adjudicated in the context of the complete patient context and its various complexities.
As with any such recommendation made in the pres- ence of weak supportive data and potentially unheralded patient contexts, common sense must prevail. Patient sen- sitivity to drug toxicity is considerably variable for many pharmacological agents where the therapeutic index is wide (e.g., aminoglycoside antibiotics). There may be occasions where a concern for oral vancomycin toxicity must be more acutely balanced with the presumed thera- peutic benefit for any given patient. These approaches are necessarily precautionary regardless of whether the oral vancomycin is being used for CDAD or another treatment/
prevention indication. In the meantime, attempts to reduce excess antibiotic use generally or for C. difficile infections specifically are critical to reducing the need for vancomy- cin exposure altogether [96].
Therapeutic drug monitoring is suggested for several high-risk situations in which high blood levels may be anticipated.

Compliance with ethical standards

Conflict of interest The author declares that he has no competing in- terests.


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